Secure emergency phone number to solve problem
Placing emergency phone numbers is certainly very important . Perhaps some of you are very familiar with the phone numbers . If you contact these numbers or if you only look at an imaginary film .
Usually in some imaginary films , it tells a scene where actors must use an important call to overcome the dangerous situation . An emergency phone number is one of the most important things that many people need to know.
It will be very pleasant if you always remember how many emergency numbers can be contacted . Perhaps so far you only know the important number 911 but do you apply this number in Indonesia ?
Number 911 is usually used for some foreign films that can deal with different emergencies . But have you ever tried to use the number in Indonesia ? We will provide an explanation that will make it easier for you to contact him if there is a big problem .
Why secure your emergency phone number ?
Before you have secured the emergency phone number , it is a good idea to first try to find out what a number is in an emergency . Almost everyone should have the opportunity to experience some unwanted events anywhere and at any time .
There are some incidents that are not less comfortable , for example , because of the coming disease . Not only can it be used to call emergency numbers , as well as hearings , crimes , violence , and more .
Some of these important numbers can actually help you solve things very safely and quickly . But only so far , many people do not know Indonesia ‘s emergency number . Some do not even know that there is an emergency number that has helped solve various problems .
Almost all emergency numbers use 3 numbers because they are meant to make it easier to remember . But some of them are very concerned about whether the phone number will be followed when calling these important numbers .
You should not worry about your phone number being easily tracked depending on the nearby operator tower that has been used . So this will help you get help faster .
In 2016, the Ministry of Communications and UnFormatics served emergency numbers at 112. But it can only be used in 2019.
How does the system work? The programme is a partnership between the government and the regions , aiming to help the community always be safe . According to the report , this number has been attempted in 100 areas in Indonesia .
Secure important numbers of emergency calls as needed
How do you secure emergency phone numbers ? Of course , you should help get the first number . There are some numbers that you should know , such as 118 or 119, to call an ambulance . But this difference is that if you are in the DK Jakarta area , call again ( 021-65303118 ) .
At the same time , you can contact 113 for fire fighting or other obstacles that require help with fire fighting . For the 110 emergency phone number , you can contact the police .
While 115 is used to communicate with Sar or Basarnas . Then contact the Natural Disaster Post please call 129 and finally pln is available to complain or find out more on 123.
Why don’t you use a number for all emergency needs ? Of course , you should call the number you have encountered to simplify and speed up the assistance process .
It is not very different from the services provided by 911, all the above numbers can help you overcome the problems quickly and accurately .
So it is very important for the Indonesian people to know some ways to solve different problems that may be helped by some parties .
Secure other emergency phonenumbers to resolve complaints
To secure the emergency phone number that can help you completely , there are a few other numbers to be identified . Here are some important phone numbers that you should note .
The first number is Comnas Ham , which will help you with a variety of unpleasant things such as discrimination , abuse that causes pain , or even human rights , as well as persecution .
Then you can call 021-3925230. Everyone has the right to protect the government , so some are provided for KOMNAS HAM.
- KOMNAS Perempuan
As a woman , of course , you can safely protect the government through komenas prempoons . This can be used to help you succeed in a variety of domestic and sexual violence to ensure better security for victims .
Contact KOMNAS Permpoan on 021-3903963 . Indeed , you don’t need to worry because Comnas Hamm will help you avoid the event , as well as the price of some things that the victim does not feel comfortable with .
Finally , you can contact the KPAI or children ‘s protection commission to overcome a variety of problems by children . For example, children receive violence and injustice or even neglect.
The KPA is working hard to combat the rights of victims in a variety of problems that children have . You can 319015 with KPAI on 021. In this way , the KIPA will review different things for problems in children .
Secure emergency phone numbers . Don’t Icall when I call ?
There are still many Indonesians who do not know how to secure emergency phone numbers on spies .
You should pay good attention when contacting the above numbers .
- First , you should be calm and answer all the questions that are often asked by the call group . In certain situations , it is very difficult for the victim to do so because they feel very eager .
But please remember that answering questions clearly will help you in difficult situations .
- In addition , you should also consider whether you are in a well-known area . You can use some events, for example, seeing nearby buildings as signs .
- Another important thing is that you should also teach children about emergency phone numbers . This is very important and make sure you don’t use these surroundings for confusion .
By introducing this to children, it can ensure that children can get facilities if there are unwanted situations.
To meet some unstable conditions by securing an emergency phone number , it will certainly be very helpful . Don’t let you think of the phone number as somewhat insignificant because it once needed it .
It is better if you remember how important and high numbers are considered and may be needed . Addressing the problem quickly and accurately will help you get a lot of ease by securing emergency phone numbers on your scorephone or memory .